Patience! Be patient!
We aren’t all very patient sometimes. That’s one of my challenges. Yes, I say challenges. I hate the word weakness. I guess every positive thing does have a negative to balance it out. Strengths vs. weaknesses…Patience vs. impatience. Good vs. bad…
Right now, I’m impatient about many things. Waiting for my house to be done so I can move in…construction delay. Trying to finish book three but realizing I need to do a lot of organizing still…it’s a non-fiction book. Anticipating an exciting trip next month to Israel…it’s been a long time since I went anywhere. A whole lot of other small things that just add up to me wanting to say…HURRY UP!
But I’m learning. I’m flowing and enjoying the moments. Sitting by the pool at my temporary home is pretty relaxing. Doing some freelance writing work in between writing my book. Taking short trips here and there.
I’m a firm believer that everything happens at the right time. When it’s supposed to. In divine timing. Several times, when I was expecting something to happen and it didn’t, my disappointment quickly turned to awe, when I realized that waiting actually brought forth something more beautiful than I expected. Perhaps if it had come in “right on time” it would not have been as amazing.
So, let’s be patient.
I now wake up each day and tell myself, to just flow with what I have and the rest will come in at the right time. And it will be magnificent!