Do you have a story to tell?
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Anyone can write!
I’ve been writing since I was a teenager, starting with my diaries (which I still have – they are embarrassingly comical) and eventually writing short stories. I always wanted to write a book but could never get myself organized. Then came the pandemic. The quiet, the great pause. And my book just came together. I wrote feverishly, weaving things together.
A lot of the writing in my book came from my own dreams, meditations, and reflective journaling. For a long time, I had no idea where I was going with my book, but then everything just came together.

Reflective Journaling
A lot of what I create comes from reflective journaling. The process involves taking note of not only my thoughts and feelings, like traditional journaling but also examining moments in time or ideas that may at first seem mundane.
Those birds that come to your feeder in the morning – is there something unique about them? Their colors? Their birdsong? If they could talk, what would they tell you?
Chronicling your dreams and your experiences during meditation is also key. Dreams come from our subconscious, your soul, and if we start to pay attention to them, we can pull many messages from them that we can use in our writing. Meditation takes us to similar states as dreams, except we are awake and more likely to remember our thoughts and visions.
Put all of these together, and you can create a story that comes from YOU!
The Workshops
Create a story or connect to your soul. Explore themes such as fear, hope, faith, and love. Heal emotional wounds and live a more positive life. Write a book or a short story.
There are no rules or formulas. You write what feels authentic – what comes from your heart.
Soul Blending – Explore who you are and define your purpose. Deep dive into shadow work. Greet and welcome your fears. Learn how to blend and balance the light and dark; the masculine and the feminine.
Word Weaving – For those who want to bring their writing into the world. Use your intuition and meditation to weave a story. Learn to flow and write with joy, without pressure or the need for structure.
Coming in December
The Soulful Scribe – Learn about the entire publishing process from start to finish. How to hire spiritually-minded designers, editors, etc. Stay tuned!
NEW Fall Classes
- Soul Blending
Coming Soon - Word Weaving
Coming Soon - Intro to Intuitive Writing
Next Session:
May 1st – 7 pm EST – $75 - Private Coaching Sessions
One-on-one private sessions
creativity boosts, clear writer’s block, and more!
Contact me to register or for more info.
All sessions are online via ZoomQuestions? Please send me a message!