Cloudy Reflections

I’ve been reflecting on many things… Mostly what’s happening right now. All the changes in my life happening. Right now. Some musings about the future, not necessarily with expectations, but with hope. Dreams that sometimes scare me.
The fear is not about dying dreams. It’s about those coming true. What will I do? How much work will I have to do if those things happen? Can I do it? Honestly, I only realized this today. Why sometimes I pull back, slowing or halting my forward momentum, slowing the birth of those dreams. 
Interesting being afraid of what will happen if you get everything you want.

And, no. You can’t get everything you want. You mostly get what’s aligned with your purpose. Sometimes those things aren’t necessarily good things. But you grow. And learn. And then you can teach and guide others through similar happenings.

Why are you here? Is it really to make money, gather physical possessions, and get as many followers on social media as you can?

That’s not for me. Of course, money is necessary in this world. For now at least. So for me, I just need enough to realize my dreams. The rest of my dreams anyway. Many have already happened. But those that are coming, are what keeps me moving forward. For me, dreams of writing and travel. Sharing special moments with beautiful souls. And giving as much of my time and love to help others.

Wouldn’t the world be an amazing place if those were everyone’s goals?

Oh, and those cloudy reflections? Those are about the past. And they really don’t matter anymore.